As I count down the days to a much anticipated and much overdue girls night out, I prepare myself for the inevitable. The question that makes me cringe. Followed by the statement that makes my blood boil. The question about who is watching the kids. The one about who is babysitting.
Person: “who has the kids?”
Me: “They are at home with their dad.”
Person: “Oh, dad gets to babysit while you go out.”
Me: …
This bothers me, and while the implication that I am shouldn’t get to go out while he stays home is enough; what really gets to me is that dad is babysitting.
I am sorry. He is their father. At no point in their life will he be babysitting them. He is being their parent.
Definition of babysitting
babysitting to care for children usually during a short absence of the parents; to give care <babysit for a neighbour’s pets>
Therefore, a parent cannot babysit their own children. This is one of those awful parenting double standards that exist. At no point would someone say, or imply, that I, their mother is babysitting my children. That is simply my job as a mother. I am their caregiver, so why is it that dad isn’t viewed the same way. Especially in this day and age when there are so many stays at home dads, then they are the primary caregivers. Are they still “babysitters” in the eyes of these people?
Moms are moms, dads are dads, and when they are caring for their own children then they aren’t babysitting.
Don’t we moms have to endure mom guilt about having a night out – which they deserve – without the babysitter card getting played? I can’t be the only one who feels this way. Let me know what you think in the comments!